Danger of the $ 299 Divorce

Oftentimes a person getting a divorce may see ads for a low cost divorce for $ 299. What the ad does not tell you is that this is for a divorce in which there are no issues, no assets, and it likely does not include a filing fee. You also have to do much of the work yourself. Every county in Pennsylvania has their own filing fee. Normally, you file in the county where you resided together when you separated. If you do not have assets, however, you can agree to file in a county in Pennsylvania where the filing fee is cheaper. Some counties have filing fees that start over $ 300 and do not include any of the legal fees. If you do not have any issues, agree to the county that is cheapest, and are prepared to do much of the paperwork yourself, this may be ideal. The danger is that you will not raise issues that should have been raised such as distribution of assets or alimony that you cannot raise after the decree in divorce is granted. If you are going to go this route, it would be wise to at least consult an attorney for a free consultation prior to finalizing your divorce.